Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Beautifulness and Backyard

My favorite part about living here so far is the natural beauty. I love looking out our windows
when I have to be inside, unpacking. And I love being outside even though it's still pretty cold and occasionally wet here. Weather is strange here. I have been told that bipolar weather is typical spring around here. Yesterday it started sunny, then cloudy, then downpour rain, then instant bright sun, then partly cloudy through the afternoon and by five it was snowing big and hard. The temperature dropped rapidly while it snowed, but it never stuck.

Our first morning here there was still snow on the lawn from snow earlier in the week and ice speckled the deck. The dogs went slipping and sliding across it. Everything about our new home is pretty exciting, but the back yard is the highlight. I love watching the dogs run freely and explore through the trees. We had to put up a fence of sorts to keep them wrangled in, but they still seem just as happy.

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